Blog Title:

The title of my blog is Life is Beautiful. More than not it seems like life is anything but beautiful...I've had days, weeks, and months that can attest to that. BUT there are those moments in life that completely out shine the clouds! My title is based off  an Italian film called La Vita E Bella or Life is Beautiful, it's an amazing movie about the Holocaust, the main character and his family are taken into a prison camp, and in order to keep his son alive, he tells him that the entire thing is a game, and he must obey all the rules in order to win the grand prize, which is a tank! This movie is a true testament that the WORST situation can be transformed can be made bearable by the right attitude. Life is beautiful, we all get beaten up, get placed in our own types of prisons, but if we adjust to the circumstances we could walk out of them with an amazing out look on life. An out look that will make every trail worth the fight.