December 30, 2013

The Adventures of 2013

2013 was an amazing year full of change, struggle, joy, and awesomeness!  I married my best friend after 6 years of waiting for it to finally happen!  I took Phill to three places he had never gone before, Disneyland, Yellowstone, and San Francisco.  I wrote my thesis for my Bachelors, and began my last year of undergrad.  We had so many fun adventures this year! I know 2014 will hold newer and more exciting we go!
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Happy New Year!!! 2014!!!!

December 26, 2013

And then there was Wren

Life has been so crazy with the end of the semester and Christmas, that I am realizing I never blogged about our niece Wren Elizabeth Westbroek officially joining the family!!! Wren Wren was born on October 26 in California.  We all got the picture of her around 8:30 on the 26th and instantly fell in love! Erick and Kira chose not to find out what they were having, so when we found out it was a girl Aunt Meg & Kait went shopping!  We bought her tons of cute little outfits and started counting the days for her to come to Utah!
They arrived in November and have been hanging out with us throughout the whole holiday season it has been amazing to have our WHOLE family together!
I love Wren so much, she is a bundle of heaven, she loves to be awake, swing, be walked around (she doesn't like it when you sit down. haha.), she LOVES her binky, her mommy & daddy, all her aunts and uncles, grandmas & grandpas, and her hands over her head.
I feel overwhelmingly blessed when I think about her being a part of our family for eternity!  I love our little song bird Wren!

Before Wren Was born we had everyone guess when the baby would be born, the gender, weight, time, and length.  Ben won the game and the bragging rights until the next baby comes along, then he will have to defend his title! The win comes with the bragging rights shirt that you get to sign and have your picture taken with the baby.  Not to mention you win bragging rights for the duration of your baby reign. I basically love this new tradition.  Ben loved that he won. haha. 

 Wren in her cute Christmas Dress!

Love you little girl! 

December 23, 2013

Benny Boy

This last Wednesday we sent my little brother to the's bee a long time coming, but I didn't realize I was so unprepared for it.  I've sent an older brother, and a boyfriend on a mission, but there is something different about a little brother.  I think as an older sibling you feel you have some sort of protecting power over your younger siblings.  Ben is my only younger sibling and I've always felt very protective of him.   It's silly thinking about buff big Ben ever needing protection, but you know how older sisters are.  It's been a challenge dealing with him being away, it hasn't even been a week, but I miss his craziness.
Sometimes the Gospel requires more strength and sacrifice than I feel I can give.  However, we move forward in faith, trusting in God that He will carry us through.  That He will carry Benjamin through.
Ben will be an incredible missionary.  He has made the efforts to serve a mission completely on his own, he is the hardest working 19 year old  I know, he has a huge welcoming heart, and the strength and faith to change life.  He has changed mine.
The people of Tijuana better look out!  Elder Westbroek is on his way! Love you B-Train!

"May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields.

And until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand."