June 19, 2011

My Dad is Rad!

It's Father's Day and since i have such an amazing dad, here are just some of the reasons why he is the best:
  1. He works harder than anyone I know to provide for us.
  2. He is so supportive of me in everything i choose to do.
  3. He always has the best advice, and i always know i can trust it.
  4. He helps me whenever i am doubting myself
  5. He passed on his love of nature to us
  6. I became a scouter because of him, and i love that is has become a part of who i am
  7. My dad magnifies his calling in the Church and is a worthy priesthood holder
  8. He is always giving me helpful hints on how to deal with that missionary of mine.
  9. i can always count on him for encouragement
  10. i know that he genuinely cares about his children and their lives
  11. i love that my dad wants to be involved in my life
  12. Whenever we have Family Home Evening, he always conducts in some goofy way that i still find so entertaining.
  13. My dad can find his way ANYWHERE, who needs a GPS when you've got dad!
  14. He passed on a need to blast our music at unbelievable decibels. Haha. Now we are all deaf.
  15. He can dish it, but he does not take it very well. He is fun/easy to tease.
  16. He used to watch the Disney channel with me and he would laugh more than i would.
  17. He's always ready and willing to listen, I can always count on him being there!
I could come up with a million more reasons why my dad is the greatest, but i love that he has raised me and my family in the Gospel and treats us along with my mom with love and respect.  I am so grateful to have such an amazing dad in my life forever!

June 17, 2011

Run, Forest, Run...

I like to run. I’m no good at it, but I like it. Randomly I decided to become a hardcore avid runner. But, I say this at least once a year and the last race I ran was 4 years ago (which i didn't even get to finish because of a stupid date, but that's another story) haha... Needless to say I needed some motivation. People always say if you are planning on running then you must, treat your feet. So I did.  I bought a pair of Nike Free Run 2. Oh baby, oh baby. I can't wait to put those bad boys on and run for miles...after I build up some serious endurance because currently I have none. My ultimate goal is to run the half-marathon in Ogden next year then maybe a full, but for now I’m taking it slow and will pick up a few smaller races along the way.  Let the training begin!

Fact: this picture does not do justice to the awesomeness of these shoes!
oh and yes that is my sweet action Phillip countdown chain in the background.

June 15, 2011

Twice Around the Sun:

Blind dates don't have the best reputation.  I have been on my fair share of awkward, horribly awkward, and just plain creepy blind dates. The first blind date i ever went on was when i was 16 years old and little did i know that deciding to go on the date was the best decision i ever made.  I agreed to go on a double date with my friend Emily and her current love interest Shaun.  He wanted to fix me up with his cousin, new to the whole dating scene, i nervously agreed.  They picked me up; my date did not come to the door, so i slipped out the door thinking well this guy is going to be a jerk.  I hopped into Em's jeep and there he was, my date. Shaun introduced us, "Phill, Meg, Meg, Phill" still a little unsure about this random kid sitting next to me we took off to the park, and my infatuation began. We climbed on top of the picnic bowery and did all sorts of random things, quoted Brian Reagan for like an hour. Then we headed over to Shaun's house, we made a fort and watched Cars. When the date was over i was in love. (Or so my 16 year old mind thought).  We hung out randomly throughout that summer doing equally random things and had our first kiss at the drive in movies after Transformers (July 2007).  I was crazy about him. When school started up again we went our separate ways. 
After two years of never speaking, we randomly striked up a conversation at 2 a.m. on none other than Facebook (thank you Facebook) and that progressed into more communication, until finally one day, Mr. Phillip Brandley manned up and asked me out. Thank heavens he did. We had our second-first kiss on our second-3rd date (haha) June 15th 2009, which is two years ago today!  And we have been on an endless adventure ever since.
Phillip is my best friend, he is the sweetest person i have ever met, and i never thought i could love someone this much. He is the hardest worker i know, and he has such an amazing ability to love others, and desire to serve them. He always knows what to say when i have a bad day, he puts up with me when i am cranky, he loves me even though i grunt in the mornings, he has learned to look passed my serious lack of dancing skills, and he chooses to love me all the time no matter what.  I can't imagine my life without him. I have never been with anyone that has brought more happiness into my life.  Going on that blind date, was the best decision i ever made.  Two years is a long time, it's twice around the sun as matter of fact, but I can't wait to have him in my life forever!
{I apologize for the sap everyone, but i love him♥}

June 14, 2011

No Comprende

I am halfway done with Weber State and I just barely found out that my major is only available through a B.A. which means I need 4 semesters of a foreign language. My first reaction to this news was...
Wrapped helically around an axis or not I will try to look at this educational detour positively…or positivamente??? Maybe this will look good on my resume and secure me a job, or  i may actually learn something valuable, currently I have found little value in my general ed courses. ha. I just signed up for Spanish 1010 for the Fall....this is going to be an adventure! que los buenos tiempos. (or something like that.)

June 10, 2011

Tonga. One Year Later.

It's been a year since I went to the beautiful island of Tonga. I went there to serve the people, but it turns out they did more for me than i could have ever done for them.  There are amazing lessons that can be learned by the Tongan people after only spending five minutes with them.  They will do anything for the people they love, and they love EVERYONE they meet.  If i gained anything from my experience in Tonga it was to love everyone i came in contact with, no questions asked, and to serve them in any way i could.  They have so little and maybe that is why they are so happy, mostly it seems that their source of happiness come from their faith.  No matter their religion they believe and recognize the power of a Supreme Being in every aspect of their lives.  They dedicate all they have to the Lord and expect nothing in return.  I didn't have the life changing experience i thought i would in Tonga, rather i had an attitude change. I find joy in the little things and love for all those around me.  I am so grateful for the time i spent in Tonga.
 'Ofa atu Tongatapu! 

June 1, 2011


Typically my opinion of fractions is that they are the spawn of Satan sent to earth to make my life a living hell...too strong? I think not.  However, at this current moment on this exact day fractions are my friend. Here is why:

Phill has been gone for 6 MONTHS today!

6/12 months = 1/2 way done with the first year

6/24 months = 1/4 of his mission is completed

2 /4 phone calls = 1/2 way done with phone calls only 2 more of  those left!

So here is to fractions and my growing love for them.
