June 15, 2011

Twice Around the Sun:

Blind dates don't have the best reputation.  I have been on my fair share of awkward, horribly awkward, and just plain creepy blind dates. The first blind date i ever went on was when i was 16 years old and little did i know that deciding to go on the date was the best decision i ever made.  I agreed to go on a double date with my friend Emily and her current love interest Shaun.  He wanted to fix me up with his cousin, new to the whole dating scene, i nervously agreed.  They picked me up; my date did not come to the door, so i slipped out the door thinking well this guy is going to be a jerk.  I hopped into Em's jeep and there he was, my date. Shaun introduced us, "Phill, Meg, Meg, Phill" still a little unsure about this random kid sitting next to me we took off to the park, and my infatuation began. We climbed on top of the picnic bowery and did all sorts of random things, quoted Brian Reagan for like an hour. Then we headed over to Shaun's house, we made a fort and watched Cars. When the date was over i was in love. (Or so my 16 year old mind thought).  We hung out randomly throughout that summer doing equally random things and had our first kiss at the drive in movies after Transformers (July 2007).  I was crazy about him. When school started up again we went our separate ways. 
After two years of never speaking, we randomly striked up a conversation at 2 a.m. on none other than Facebook (thank you Facebook) and that progressed into more communication, until finally one day, Mr. Phillip Brandley manned up and asked me out. Thank heavens he did. We had our second-first kiss on our second-3rd date (haha) June 15th 2009, which is two years ago today!  And we have been on an endless adventure ever since.
Phillip is my best friend, he is the sweetest person i have ever met, and i never thought i could love someone this much. He is the hardest worker i know, and he has such an amazing ability to love others, and desire to serve them. He always knows what to say when i have a bad day, he puts up with me when i am cranky, he loves me even though i grunt in the mornings, he has learned to look passed my serious lack of dancing skills, and he chooses to love me all the time no matter what.  I can't imagine my life without him. I have never been with anyone that has brought more happiness into my life.  Going on that blind date, was the best decision i ever made.  Two years is a long time, it's twice around the sun as matter of fact, but I can't wait to have him in my life forever!
{I apologize for the sap everyone, but i love him♥}


  1. I love the sap! It's good to hear your story too

  2. I don't know if I've said anything yet but...CONGRAD-U-FREAKIN'-LATIONS! I'm excited for you :) Ah...I wish I was there with you! That's so exciting! Hopefully things will start to speed up even more, eh? You two are SO CUTE together! Love it. And I love the sap :) Adorable. Don't you just love, love? Even if it doesn't feel a bajillion miles away?!
