January 27, 2013

Sorry blog...

If there is one thing I've learned about time management it is that journal keeping/blogging does not always take the highest priority.  Since Spring semester started I have officially begun my Senior year of college! It's a beautiful thing to see that big ole "Senior" staring at me on the screen. With it has come the preparation to write my senior thesis this summer. I am leaning towards writing it on civil war medics from the Union side. Not positive though it's all up in the air. 
A mid attempting to stay afloat with school, I have been studying/training to become a server at Bella's where I work.  Some people, including myself, seriously take servers for granted. It's a stressful job, I'm predicting quite the blood pressure spike in the near future. (if it hasn't happened already) I am grateful for the extra work/funds that come with serving, but it leaves little time for other important things. Between school, work, and also working for my dad I'm booked. Then comes my church calling in the nursery, my cute family, and my favorite time "waster" Phill:)
Its been awesome having him home, we don't get to spend as much time as we'd like together, but we get what we can as I run from class to work. 
Since he's been home we have:
  • met Elder Holland
  • gone to dinner a couple times
  • went ice skating
  • been to several of Sterling's basketball games
  • seen a few movies including the Hobbit, Skyfall, Les Miserables, and Jack Reacher
  • spent time with family
  • started taking institute (which is uaually the most we see each other during the week)
  • started planning our wedding set for April 27th another awesome item to add to my to-do list, we're not officially engaged yet...don't worry about it. ha.
  • AND we've enjoyed getting to know each other again.

A lot changes over two years, and in a lot of ways I think we took that for granted we've had a few rough spots trying to get readjusted but we are as strong and as happy as ever.
Life is good, busy, stressful, overwhelming, but truly good.


  1. I'm so happy everything is wonderful for you Megan! You and Phill are the cutest. <3

  2. Always LOVE your adventure pictures!!! You 2 just know how to have fun!!!
