Called To Serve...

On September 29, 2010 Phillip was called to serve in the San Bernardino California Mission. I couldn't be more excited for him! I've been able to watch Phill transform into a missionary in the most amazing ways. He has completely turned his life around in only a year! It's been one of the greatest blessings of my life watching him progress into the amazing man that he is today! When we first started dating he wasn't sure where to go or what to do with his life. But as he started to make some steps in the right direction, he told me he had decided to serve a mission. He has been diligently working towards that goal ever since. I am so blessed to have Phill as a part of my life, his testimony of the gospel, willingness to serve others, and positivity inspires me every day! He is going to be and amazing missionary, he will report to the MTC on December 1st.... (That’s so soon!) To be honest...I'm not ready to let him go, but I don't think I ever could be. I love my missionary! I'm so proud of who he is and who he will become! 2=∞!
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