March 25, 2012

it's the little things....

Everyone has those days.
The one when you scoff at the idea that everyday has little rays of sunshine in them. 
But...usually on those days we are actually walking around with our eyes closed.
Every day can be a sunshiny day!
This weekend i was sick, yet again. As i thought about the prospects of yet another weekend in bed, i was seriously ticked off. 
Then last night i knelt down to pray. And after i did i looked over at the pile that had accumulated during my days in bed it looked like this....
to most this would look like a mess...but for some reason after i prayed i was overwhelmingly thankful for that little mess, because it shows how blessed i am:
  In the front i have my laptop and a text book representing a good education, behind that the hunger games ( i laughed at that, because i saw the movie twice this weekend and re-read the book once...obsessed much? ha.)
 Next to that a season of M*A*S*H my favorite TV show, which reminds me of my parents (who got all of us hooked on it). I have wonderful parents who have changed my life in so many ways.
 Under the season of M*A*S*H, is my adventure book, Phill made it for me for our first Christmas and i pull it out when i am really missing him in those goofy little pages an amazing relationship is represented one that has yet to be broken or truly waver for almost 3 years. 
Next, to the left a cup full of powerade and a plate from lunch, a box of wheat thins, i am so blessed to live in a place where food is readily available, where all of my primary needs can be met.
 Behind my cup sits my spiritual journal, and behind that my Book of Mormon...i am so blessed to have this book by my bedside, it is mine, and it holds the truthfulness of all things.  It has been my anchor in the roughest water, and it is as real as i am. 
What did i glean from this random compilation of my life? simply that it is the little things that mean the most, and the little things that show you how truly blessed you are.  Who would have known that a weekend of being sick in bed would have been so insightful. I am truly blessed!

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