October 13, 2012

Wedding Weekend

Shanda and I have been friends since junior high, but we didn't become best friends until we started going to mission prep together a couple of years ago.  She was waiting for Kenton, and I for Phill. We became pretty much inseparable, and did all kinds of crazy things together from hikes, to mud runs, to talking pretty much non-stop about the men in our lives, we helped each other through some of our toughest trials.  It was my greatest pleasure, delight, joy, all other positive adjectives to see her marry Kenton this weekend! She is amazing, and she deserves the best, I am so blessed to have her has a friend.
Shanda and Kenton were sealed on a beautifully rainy day, October 12th, in the Salt Lake City Temple. Before the sealing, there was a luncheon at Christopher's Prime Steakhouse, it was delicious! Alisha and Michelle fell in love with one of the waiters, Nick, so we purposefully drank unhealthy amounts of lemonade to get him to come back to our table, it was hilarious.
While everyone was the the temple we watched three of Shanda's nieces, they were so cute! The rain miraculously stopped when they came out  of the temple. Shanda was glowing in her beautiful white dress, and Kenton looked the happiest I have ever seen him. (In the five months that I have actually known him!)

 Best friends...She knows she loves us.

Today they had their reception at Lomond View Gardens, it was beautiful! It didn't rain on us, we only froze a little...okay a lot. It was cold, but we had an amazing time celebrating Shanda and Kenton!

It's crazy what time can do, I'm going to miss our crazy single girl adventures, but I have a feeling there are a lot of other fun adventures heading our way!
Congratulations to an incredible couple!

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