My only other post for this month was all about the beauty of September in Utah, well this post probably won't be much different! In the last few weeks I have been able to do some pretty amazing things! Annnd, I have pictures, everyone knows that makes posts much more enjoyable!
The first of many happies this month was the birth of Mary Olivia Brandley, she is the daughter of Becca and Louis, Phill's older brother and sister-in-law. She came into the world on September 22, on the first day of fall! I was so blessed to be able to be in Logan already for my cousin Lauren's wedding, I was able to go see Mary the day she was born. She is beautiful, I am, one of those crazy girls who "Ooo's" and "Awe's" at babies, what can I say? I was in awe at the beautiful spirit that Mary had, it was such a gift to be with Becca and Louis to watch their love for her. I fully intend on being her real Aunt one day, but I already claim her, and her big sister Avery as mine!
On Friday, my friend Shanda and I took a hike up beautiful Logan Canyon, to the Wind Caves! This was a new hike for both of us, and I wish I would have known how narrow the trail was, because I wouldn't have taken Indy. She kept falling of the trail, ha. It sounds hilarious when I say it now, but it was intense! But the end result was awesome, mixed in with the Autumn leaves it was a beautiful day for a hike!

such an amazing year for leaves! Last year we got totally screwed, there was no fall, it went from summer to winter. Lame. So i am so thankful that this year we have the real deal!

This is me as promised, standing cowardly at the back of the cave... i just know if i would have stepped one foot closer to the edge i was gonna fall off. It's totally rational don't worry about it.
Shanda is much more brave than i am, she had the brilliant idea to walk across the arch and take a picture. So walk she did, all calm and cool and awesome. Observe:
And then there is me... oh yes i most certainly did crawl, and only made it half way. haha. Such a pansy. Shanda thought it was hilarious i crawled, ergo the photo of my humiliating assent. BUT I did do *self high-five!*
The last day of September entailed on of my all time favorite traditions. Chili Dinner in Ogden Canyon. We have been doing it for 20+ years, we honestly don't know how long it's been going on, but we do it without fail and i love it! (these photos are not so great, i forgot my real camera. fail.)
Indy and dad got all tangled up! |
I love my family! Hope you all had an amazing September too!
Happy October!
Looks like fun. Nice pictures!