December 5, 2012

Confession: Unleash the Crazy!

Sooo... Phill comes home tomorrow, I have attempted to act nonchalant, no big deal just the world's greatest man coming home from his 2 year religious adventure. psh... NBD. (I hate text lingo.) Okay but let's be honest, i have been counting down the moments to this one.  As the girlfriend of a missionary everything becomes a count down...holidays, phone calls, expiration dates, you get the point.  There was one type of countdown that i NEVER did, I never ever counted days...that is until there was an attainable realistic number like 20. ha. The whole 735 days seemed a wee bit discouraging, but there were some count downs that I did give into, realizing now that they alone stand as a testament that i am a crazy person:

The second one above looks a little eccentric, but i didn't actual get it until he was half way done, and i forgot i even had it going until a week ago. haha. There it is I've unleashed all my crazy countings. But now it is almost over and I can hardly imagine what my life will be like without these things.  I guess there are always events to look forward to. 
I feel really blessed to have had these two years to grow on my own.  I was able to accomplish everything I set out for myself to do while he was away:
1. I lost 20 pounds (self high-five)
2. I continued my education and got my associates degree, and i am only 1 1/2 years from graduating!
3. I read the Book of Mormon straight through, prayed and received my own testimony of it's truthfulness.
4. Took a couple road trips with my friends
5. Ran a 1/2 Marathon
6. Bought a car
All of these accomplishments have made me into the person I am today, ready to meet the new and improved version of the man of my dreams.  I've been waiting for Phill since I was 16, and I cannot begin to express how excited I am that my wait is almost over.
 Stay tuned for the long awaited reunion story: coming to a blog near you in t-minus 24 hours.

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