October 9, 2011

A lot of Nothing...

I haven't blogged in what seems like ages for the avid blogger i have become, but simply put, my life seems to be a broken record. To spare you all the details of my mundane life i am blogging about the only excitement i've had in awhile:
 L to the O to the G-A-N!
Here are some pictures from my adventure up north:

At the Temple after Baptisms! it was a balmy 40 degrees,
only made more pleasant by the wind chill.
I love Logan!  

"Let's go to the mall today"

Shanda and i killing time at the Cache Valley Mall
before meeting her parents for dinner.
And still wasting time...
i found this little gem at Dillard's, and believe you me
if i would have had $30 i would have bought it!
In other news: Miss Indy is now 5 months old and she is a little genius.  We have been practicing doing her tricks with mainly hand signals, she is getting pretty good! I just love this pup so much!
Don't mind the awful filming, i am trying to film and do hand signals and reward her at the same time.
 No small task.
Here she does sit, up, down, roll over, and being stinkin' adorable.  
Sorry if the video doesn't load, it's being weird! But, she really can do all those things:)

1 comment:

  1. I don't know how long it's been since you've changed your blog header (is that what it's called??), but I LOVE it!! :) And the picture of you in front of the temple is gorgeous!!
