December 23, 2011

Merry and Bright

Christmas Day is just hours away! (unintentional rhyme) And like everyone else I've been Christmasing all December long, with the exception of finals week , in which the only Yule Tide tradition i participated in was the banging of my head on my desk to the rhythm of Jingle Bells during study sessions.
I tried my best to get my Christmas shopping done early this year. I really hate shopping so getting it over and done with as quickly is possible is how i usually plan on shopping, and then end up going on Christmas Eve to find presents. Luckily for me, i chose to do the 12 days of Christmas for Phill this year, which forced me to be early in my shopping and sending, which also meant shorter lines at the Post-office (shorter as in an hour long wait as opposed to the typical two).  Writing about shopping is about as boring as doing it, so....moving on!

Christmas is a time for traditions, one of my absolutely favorite traditions has been going on for as long as i can remember.  Every Christmas Eve all the kids in my family would smash into my brothers' room to sleep for the night.  Once we had all settled in with our new jammies on, my mom would sit down anywhere she could find a place and read the Polar Express.  This has become one of my all time favorite books, and i completely intend on reading it to my children (that is if Grandma doesn't read it to them first).  Everything about that book is beautiful, the pictures, the story, and the message:  to believe in something!

There is more to Christmas than believing in Santa or his's about believing in the good of the world, the goodness of people that often gets shadowed by all the evil that takes place.  Without our sweet Savior Jesus Christ, we wouldn't have any goodness to celebrate. He is the reason for celebrating, he is joy!
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!
And a Incredible 2012....i know i will ;)


  1. Great post! I wonder why 2012 will be so incredible. Maybe because a certain person will be coming home??? :) Merry Christmas, see you Sunday!

  2. Thanks for this post, Sweet Meg. I love you and promise to let you read Polar Express to your little ones; it's a gift every mom deserves to treasure on Christmas Eve.
