Who ever gets sick of the constant pressure to lose weight? Every one raise your hand, because i know you agree. Now, don't get me wrong, I am all for being healthy and fit, but there are times when the pressure gets ridiculous. As I've been slowly making my way into a healthier lifestyle i have often felt so discouraged by how long it takes to change 20 years of bad habits. And to be honest, there will be habits that never change, I'm always going to love and eat chocolate when i want! fact. Just last week Celestial Brandley (Phill's sister-in-law) recruited me into a program called Fit in Six, it's a point system type competition, I was so gung-ho to do it the day it began, and then...out came the Easter candy and a few pre-final break downs and my week of healthy eating was shot to he....ck. This is the thing to remember about changing your lifestyle, you have to take babysteps or you WILL relapse!
Some people can get off stuff cold turkey and be a-okay, but between us normal people it takes a bullet proof safe to keep me away from the things i love to eat.
My, oh so wise philosophy, is simply don't deprive yourself of things you love! Moderation of course, blah blah blah, but if you quit eating sweets or whatever your Achilles is chances are you'll binge later.
There is a thing in psychology called "Self-Fulfilling Prophecy" essentially it means if you imagine yourself doing something or being something, most likely it will happen. For example, at the beginning of my Fit in Six challenge i said to myself you are going to sabotage yourself, because you hate it when people tell you what not to eat...and i did totally sabotage myself. haha. Luckily for me i can just laugh it off, because i just don't care. The key to all this weight loss get fit madness is that you have to feel good about yourself no matter what.
You can't take care of a body you don't love, so love the skin you are in my friends! Even after I've lost a few pounds i still feel the same most days, incredibly insecure...but I have been looking at it all wrong, i have been looking at how far i "need" to go instead of how far I've come. Fit in Six is a fun little program, and I'll keep doing it just to occupy my time and make achieving a healthy lifestyle a little easier. But i will not feel bad if i have an off day, why? because i am human and i want to enjoy life, especially the sweeter things in life. ya know what i mean;) So here is to being confident in your own skin and doing things for yourself and not for the approval of others! Celebrate the little victories, here is an example of one of my victories that i didn't realize i had won until i put this together:
Left is me in 2010, and Right is me as i am today. I lost weight without depriving myself! to me that is a victory all around;) And i didn't do it for anyone else, just for me. This post isn't to make anyone feel bad, but to show what a completely average person, with a sweets problem, like myself can do. It's possible. And being healthy doesn't mean giving up everything you enjoy,to me it's just adding to those things knowledge and control resulting in a happier body and a happier you! |