so what's new? this is probably one of my least favorite questions, because honestly, nothing has been new in my life since...sliced bread? No? okay so, i have new things happening in my life, but none are really worth mentioning. But i haven't blogged in a while so here, my friends, is "what is new":
After Benjamin's graduation Rick and Kira stayed in town for the rest of the week, that Saturday (you know the one with all the rain and lightning) we went to lagoon. truly. The beauty of it was that there were no lines and we did what would take an entire day to do at Lagoon, in about 2 hours. The constant riding without much of a break lead us all to some pretty intense nausea. ha. it's all apart of the experience right? The rain was dumping in buckets which added an extra special element to all the rides: extreme pain. ha. You get pouring rain hitting you are you are cruising on the coaster and you've got 100 icy needles to the face. awesome? YES! We're pretty hardcore.
That's my dad....poncho was a titch too tight.
So that happened....
Another question i am learning to loath, is "how much more schooling do you have left?" Mostly because i think people are expecting me to get done quicker than i actually am. But every time i have to tell someone it's going to be a couple more years and they seem displeased, I'd like to just put a big ole FAILURE sticker on my forehead. haha. I am getting to my graduation as quickly as i can! which leads me to what else is new, and that is summer semester. yay for summer school am i right? Right, now i am only taking 9 credits, but i could feel myself giving out so i had to take it a wee bit easier for my own sanity. It's going great though, i love school, i love to learn, i love how long it is taking me (lies) and i LOVE that my senior thesis is looming over my head and i have yet to come up with a topic...all in good time.
so that happened....
in other news, Phillip aka Elder Phillip J. Brandley recently hit 18 months out. Yup, we are on the down hill slide of the last mountain. And just as going down hill when hiking can be more painful than going up-- thus is the joy of being on the down hill slide of a mission it is painful, and SO MUCH harder! But we grin and bear it, because 1. what else can ya do and 2. it will all be worth it (or so i'd like to think). On a positive note, people are much nicer when you hit t-minus 6 months. haha. Took them long enough to get the picture;)
so that happened...
One last thing that is almost new but mostly not, is that i have been doing group training at my gym with a group of about 5-6 girls and one of the trainers from the Gym. It has been so much fun, and i have loved getting more fit and feeling stronger. You know what they say, "strong is the new sexy"....they say that, who knows if it's true?
Also along with being fit and such, i took a little hike up Waterfall canyon...actually a long time ago, i just never blogged about it, fail. i have a serious fear of snakes. i can't help it they are the living worst. I have a love for hiking, but my snake phobia cancels out how much i love it, so i usually only hike in early may and late September. (if i can help it.) call me a pansy i just cannot handle the idea of running into one of those terrible things on the trail. Luckily for me i was blessed from above on my hike and i only saw a little lizard. victory!
Anyways....that's what has been happening.
life is good.