It's the most wonderful time of the year! Firework Season baby! There are not enough positive adjetives in the english language to describe how much i love fireworks, the season always begins with Founder's Day in Pleasant View, I'll be honest as a North Ogdener i never really cared for the whole Founder's day speil, but I, of course, always take advantage of the fireworks! This year i dragged Kaileb and Tif along with me, oh and their cousin Cory who just happened to be around. We met up with Shanda and her RM Kenton, Sterling and his date, also Alisha Littlewood and Allie Powell joined us. So we had a great group to enjoy the works of fire.
Some of my all time favorite people! |
Tif is the Little Sister i never had, she's so dang cute! |
This is just the beginning of Firework Season, it's going to get serious!
Get out and enjoy some while you can:)
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