Every so often I have, like most people I suppose, “what on earth!?!” moments. Those moments when something happens and it makes you stop and think/say “what on earth,” I usually love these moments because sarcasm inevitably follows, and I thrive on sarcasm. Today I encountered a “what on earth” moment. I have an English teacher this semester that is… unique. She’s a comma Nazi and all over crazy tough when it comes to her grading theory. The most recent paper we were required to write was a complex problem solving ordeal regarding a prison. I was not a fan. Today was my day to meet with her and discuss my paper. When I arrived, I sat down got cozy and waited for the critique to commence. She walks into her office toting a cute little dog and shuts the door behind her. She picks up my paper and begins to read, then she stops, looks at her dog and asks it if it has to go “potty”, and obviously through the dog’s body language she interpreted it to mean, yes it did. She then looks from the dog to me and says, “Do you mind?” (What on earth!) Not willing to defy the woman holding my ten page paper I took the pup and headed out the door, but not before she handed me a plastic bag, “just in case.” (Again, what on earth) Grudgingly I took the pooch outside to do its business, which rendered me some rather inquisitive looks. Upon our return to the class room from the frigid outdoors, she had finished grading my paper. To my complete and utter astonishment and joy I had received and A! I hope the A came from the hard work I put into the paper and not consenting to take her mongrel to the latrine. And that my friends, is my “what on earth” moment for today.
March 28, 2011
March 16, 2011
Missionary News:
The other day I was moseying around on Facebook and I received a friend request...who is this mystery person I wondered as I looked at the picture. I rarely forget names or faces so when I looked closer...I had NO idea who it was. Then when I clicked on the actual friend request a little message popped up that said, "Hi Megan, I'm Sister Austin, Phillip told me to add you because I’m his black mom in Cali." The thought that crossed my mind next was, of course he did. That is such a Phillip thing to say. We got to talking and she was converted to the Gospel last year and has been striving to help bring others to the truth ever since. Every letter or e-mail I get from Phill raves about Sister Austin and her amazing drive to bring others to the gospel. I was lucky enough to talk to her via Facebook and get to know her a little bit better and she told me how great Phillip is, (not that I didn’t already know) but it was great to hear from someone in his mission about the work he is doing and somehow it reassured me that he made the right choice by taking two years of "Meg time", as Phill calls it, to serve a mission.
In case you haven't heard Phill is doing amazing! He is staying in Barstow for another transfer and he is so excited. He loves his companion, the people, work, and the desert…if you look up Barstow on Google Earth (which I have, not going to deny It. ha.) there is not a trace of green to be seen. It is a giant desert to be sure, but even in the most barren of places miracles can occur. And he has seen many while being out in the service of the Lord. I'm so thankful for the miracle of Elder Bradley’s "black mom In Cali" looking out for him, despite my slight jealousy that she gets to associate with him on a regular basis, I am truly blessed.
In case you haven't heard Phill is doing amazing! He is staying in Barstow for another transfer and he is so excited. He loves his companion, the people, work, and the desert…if you look up Barstow on Google Earth (which I have, not going to deny It. ha.) there is not a trace of green to be seen. It is a giant desert to be sure, but even in the most barren of places miracles can occur. And he has seen many while being out in the service of the Lord. I'm so thankful for the miracle of Elder Bradley’s "black mom In Cali" looking out for him, despite my slight jealousy that she gets to associate with him on a regular basis, I am truly blessed.
March 7, 2011
Les Miserables in All It's Awesomeness!
I have recently had my eyes reopened to the genius that is Les Misérables. If you’ve never read it/seen it/heard of it…shame. The musical is based on the novel written by Victor Hugo. The story takes place during the time of French revolution as a wave of antimonarchism is rushing over the world. The people of France are striving for a better tomorrow in every way. It is a tragic, yet completely inspirational story; there is an unbelievable power behind Les Mis. Maybe it’s the history nerd inside of me that makes me love it so much I don’t know, but it is blow your mind brilliant.
This video clip is from the 25th anniversary of the musical it combines the original cast members along with the 25th anniversary cast. AMAZING!!!
March 6, 2011
Erick is the oldest of the bunch and is a genius to boot. He is studying medicine at Stanford University. He is one of the most laid back and enjoyable people I have ever met!
Kait comes next, she is brilliant in all things art and photography! She recently was just accepted into UofU and we are all super proud of her!!! She has had some rough roads in her life, but I know she'll conquer them all!
Then comes me and this whole blog is about me pretty much so i will just skip to the next sibling.
Benjamin, this boy is a soccer wonder and as smart as a whip! I love being around him. He is one of the funniest people i know! He is a junior at Weber High and all around awesome kid.
In 2007 we got ourselves a Kira! She married my brother Erick and they both live in California now. I love Kira so much, she is a bright and talented girl and as an added bonus she fits into our family perfectly!!! She has a degree in special education and we all love her very much!
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The new and improved Westbroek family as of August 2007 |
My parents Mike and Marlene are absolutely amazing!!! In every way imaginable they have strived to make their family happy and they have been successful. Both of them are great examples of service and selflessness.
They both work so hard and may sometimes feel unappreciated, but I hope they know how much i love them for everything they have ever done for me! My dad is a total goober our personalities are very alike in a lot of ways, with our lame jokes, our sarcastic comments and all around goofiness. My mom is practically my best friend i love spending time with her and being myself around her, i never have to hide anything from my mom or dad it's an awesome feeling!
I love everything about my family! I was insanely blessed in the relative department not going to lie. I love me some wacky Westbroeks:
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Yellowstone Snowmobiling trip 2010 we LOVE -25 degrees... and we go to Yellowstone A LOT! We're Dutch-can't ya tell? |
Like most families we love being together!!! I'm so grateful for that goofy, amazing, fantastic, delightful, brilliant, charismatic, wise, crazy, eternal family of mine!
March 5, 2011
Nowhere to go but up!
Rock-bottom is an interesting place to be...but in all reality when you've hit rock-bottom there is nowhere to go but up. And just when I feel like I am at a standstill the words of Robert Frost come to mind, "In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life. It goes on." So this is where I decide does it go on at rock-bottom or does it go up?
My best friend has been gone for 3 months now and I miss him as much as ever, but life goes on and it is looking up! He is doing amazing things out in the mission field; changing not only the lives of those he teaches, but mine as well. I love that we have this time to grow together in different ways than ever before. So I’m going to keep slapping a smile on every morning and doing what needs to be done, because I'm three months closer than I've ever been to seeing Phill again…life goes on and it's going up.
My best friend has been gone for 3 months now and I miss him as much as ever, but life goes on and it is looking up! He is doing amazing things out in the mission field; changing not only the lives of those he teaches, but mine as well. I love that we have this time to grow together in different ways than ever before. So I’m going to keep slapping a smile on every morning and doing what needs to be done, because I'm three months closer than I've ever been to seeing Phill again…life goes on and it's going up.
March 3, 2011
Guilty of Laughter
I will be the first to admit I felt guilty for enjoying this little spoof, but I couldn't help myself it is too funny. Therefore I am guilty of laughing at what is clearly a violation of underage drinking (not really).
March 1, 2011
Because life is too short to not...
- hike when you get the chance
- check off your bucket list
- be anyone but you
- make an idiot of yourself
- lose yourself in a day dream
- eat dessert first
- sing in the car
- make sarcastic comments
- crowd surf
- go to a rock concert
- throw a few world peace wishes into the void
- be spontaneous
- be in a mosh pit at least once
- love everyone for who they are, not what they do
- make mistakes
- spend hours watching pointless YouTube videos
- stay up all night long
- sleep in
- eat chocolate
- take a personal day
- embrace your inner hippie
- love deeply
- take a road trip
- make a difference
- eat octopus
- meditate
- pull pranks
- shake up the status quo
- watch old movies
- ride on the back of a motorcycle
- listen to journey
- be positive
- dance like a complete fool
- laugh until you can’t breathe anymore
- take chances
- love nature
- love life
- love yourself
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