Today i cleaned out my loyal ford escort for the last time...even though my sister owned her before me, we had a special bond. Haha. When my sister owned the car, she named it the Black Pearl, because in her earlier years she was shinny and Kait was into Pirates, but when she came into my possession that just didn't quite fit. After a lot of thought i and an epiphany. This is how my car got her name:
Aunt Jemima the clunky old black woman from the syrup bottles. Except she just went by Jemima...can you see the resemblance? Basically they are both black, old, and as spunky as ever! Haha.
It's amazing the kind of stories a car can tell about a person. Just cleaning her out today brought back so many fun memories. Some of the things i found:
- Shooting sports manuals from Bartlett, and a permanently dirty windshield from driving to Bartlett and back all summer in 2008
- my lacrosse goggles
- my tassel from graduation
- a crusty purple bandana Phill used to blind fold me when he took me on a surprise hike/picnic in the mountains in 2009
- the plastic sword Phill used when he was Robin Hood our first Halloween
- A book called "Waiting for a Missionary" that Phill's Grandpa Brandley gave me for Christmas, before anyone besides Phill and i knew he was going to serve a mission. (That man knows everything i swear!)
- A text book from my first semester at college
- a cute note of encouragement from my mommy for an exam
- little remnants of Olivia's (the girl i used to nanny) origami club
- a stuffed animal a guy won me on a date to lagoon
- faded post~it notes from when Phill would leave love notes on my car
And the list goes on...goodbye Jemima, we had some excellent, excellent times!
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