August 27, 2011

~ In the Land of Sugar~

Last week my sister, who is just the greatest by the way, got her poor (literally) super broke sister tickets to SUGARLAND!!!! what a doll right? Well we had an amazing time, despite the incident in Indiana, Sugarland put on a spectacular show i would rank it in my top 3 concerts, absolutely fabulous. Did i mention Kait got us pit tickets so we were like 3 rows of people away from the stage. Yes, Awesome! Thanks you so much Kait! Here are some of my favorite pictures from the concert:
Pre-Concert Antics:
So these 3 first photos have a delightful story behind them, but to spare you the juicy details we were trying to capture our initial reaction to the overly affectionate lady couple next to us.... none of these pictures properly portray our emotions.

kaitlin is speachless, and not know how to react

as their PDA continues....we are not fans.

we use humor as a defense mechanism  in awkward situations...obviously!
We Love Sugarland!!!!

Concert Time:

This song is called Love, they dedicated it to those who lost their lives and were injured during the collapse at the Indiana State Fair. 

This was such an AMAZING concert!!!! Thank you Kaitlin!
 if you ever get an opportunity to see Sugarland do it!
For real.

1 comment:

  1. Where do you get all your cute headbands?! And please teach me how to wear them! Mmkay thank you! :)
