It's a little shocking to me how often I drop the ball, here I am blabbing about how Phill is coming home and la-de-da, but then I never actually write about him being home! Fail. haha.
Phill has been home for over a week now, and life is good, crazy, but good. He came home last Thursday on the soggy 6th. The night before I couldn't focus on anything, I was sick to my stomach, and the best way I could come up with describing the feeling was it was like I was about to talk in front of 10,000 people and also so crazed person just punched me in the diaphragm. No lie.
The day of I was surprisingly calm, but I felt weird, I knew it was ending, but I couldn't wrap my head around it.
I went to class, that was a giant waste of time, got ready...ran to wal*mart to get a 5 hour energy for Phill's brother Louis, attempted to eat lunch at the Grist Mill, and then met Louis and Becca at Phill's Church to drive down to the airport with them.
Everyone kept asking me if I was okay, and never believing me when I said that I was. To be honest, I wasn't freaking out, I was just ready for it to happen so it could all feel real! He came down the escalator after we'd been there for about 45 minutes. I was hiding behind his siblings, 1. because I was nervous 2. I wasn't sure if I was ready yet and 3. I wanted his siblings to hug him first, because I think they have more claim on him than me.
I always pictured what the airport would be like, that first hug. Turns out it was nothing like I imagined. Phill's oldest brother Josh asked me if I wanted him to bring Phill over to me, I jokingly laughed "yeah!" (but didn't actually mean it. haha) But before i know it Josh is picking up Phill and bringing him to me. haha. I didn't know what to do so I just yelled "HEEEEY" like an idiot and hugged him, I didn't cry, I think I might have if I hadn't been caught so off guard, haha. No one really got a good picture, because no one really knew we were behind everyone hugging, but luckily we got a couple:
After that he went around and hugged everyone else, and finally made his way back to me. It was still unreal, and it remained that way for the rest of the night.
Phill wanted to go to Nelson's Custard in Bountiful, because he loves their cookie dough concrete. Who doesn't it's delicious. I tried to act as natural as possible, but it was so hard when every one's eyes were on us, staring us down....expecting something that I just couldn't figure out. haha.
We drove from there to the Pizzeria in Ogden for dinner, where Phill and I were avoiding each other, but not really realizing it. I was freaking out inside wondering if this was how it was going to be now. Weird, and forced, and awkward as I'll get out!
We went to his house and waited for him to arrive after being released, again everyone asking me "how are you doing" I didn't know how to respond, I was freaking out, this was not at all how I thought it would go.
Eventually everyone left, emotionally drained I decided I had better head out too...Phill followed me out to my car, we hugged, and just talked, nothing had really changed, but it was a lot to get used to again. We walked over to his front porch and we talked like nothing had changed, like it had only been a day or two since we'd seen each other. Everything felt the same, and despite all the emotions and stress and weirdness of the day, I knew I was still crazy about him.
We've yet to really spend a quality amount of time together between his family, and me having finals, we've tried to get little snips of time together of the past week. The last two years have taught me a lot, I became more independent, my faith was greatly strengthened, I continued in my education, became my own person, but something was always missing from my life. When he came back everything felt right, everything feels whole, and my life is nearly complete. Four words could sum up the past two years: It was worth it. HE was worth it.
December 15, 2012
December 5, 2012
Confession: Unleash the Crazy!
Sooo... Phill comes home tomorrow, I have attempted to act nonchalant, no big deal just the world's greatest man coming home from his 2 year religious adventure. psh... NBD. (I hate text lingo.) Okay but let's be honest, i have been counting down the moments to this one. As the girlfriend of a missionary everything becomes a count down...holidays, phone calls, expiration dates, you get the point. There was one type of countdown that i NEVER did, I never ever counted days...that is until there was an attainable realistic number like 20. ha. The whole 735 days seemed a wee bit discouraging, but there were some count downs that I did give into, realizing now that they alone stand as a testament that i am a crazy person:
The second one above looks a little eccentric, but i didn't actual get it until he was half way done, and i forgot i even had it going until a week ago. haha. There it is I've unleashed all my crazy countings. But now it is almost over and I can hardly imagine what my life will be like without these things. I guess there are always events to look forward to.
I feel really blessed to have had these two years to grow on my own. I was able to accomplish everything I set out for myself to do while he was away:
1. I lost 20 pounds (self high-five)
2. I continued my education and got my associates degree, and i am only 1 1/2 years from graduating!
3. I read the Book of Mormon straight through, prayed and received my own testimony of it's truthfulness.
4. Took a couple road trips with my friends
5. Ran a 1/2 Marathon
6. Bought a car
All of these accomplishments have made me into the person I am today, ready to meet the new and improved version of the man of my dreams. I've been waiting for Phill since I was 16, and I cannot begin to express how excited I am that my wait is almost over.
Stay tuned for the long awaited reunion story: coming to a blog near you in t-minus 24 hours.
November 26, 2012
Guilty Pleasure.
So it's no shocker that Phill's homecoming has been on my mind more than usual lately, I mean come on it's in 10 days....almost 9. Phill and I have always planned on seeing each other again for the first time at the airport, that has always been our game plan. It is funny how when there is room for speculation in an aspect of your life people run with it. I have heard all sorts of horror stories about missionaries coming home and dumping their faithful girlfriend. I have also received a lot of advice about what NOT to do at the airport. Like all things I have learned to laugh and shake off criticism and unnecessary advice, every wait is different, every couple is different.
As a missionary girlfriend from day one of their mission you think about what the airport will be like, what will that first hug feel like, what are you going to wear, are you going to cry (yeah... I'm gonna cry). Every aspect is imagined, and critiqued and then reimagined.... then it's here, only days away and I can't picture it, I cannot possibly imagine what it's going to be like, it hasn't hit me yet, I don't know when it will.
For the past two years i have watched other girl's missionaries come home, and have watched their videos, and seen their pictures, they have kind of become my guilty pleasure. So since I can't show my experience just yet these are a few of my favorite videos that have been played on repeat for the last 24 months, enjoy :)
1. This one is my favorite I wish I would have had the foresight and skill to make a video like this! click the link here to watch it. (but really watch it!!!!)
2. This is the story of Mitt and Ann Romney, yes she waited for him on his mission, I love the way she talks about him at the airport.
As a missionary girlfriend from day one of their mission you think about what the airport will be like, what will that first hug feel like, what are you going to wear, are you going to cry (yeah... I'm gonna cry). Every aspect is imagined, and critiqued and then reimagined.... then it's here, only days away and I can't picture it, I cannot possibly imagine what it's going to be like, it hasn't hit me yet, I don't know when it will.
For the past two years i have watched other girl's missionaries come home, and have watched their videos, and seen their pictures, they have kind of become my guilty pleasure. So since I can't show my experience just yet these are a few of my favorite videos that have been played on repeat for the last 24 months, enjoy :)
1. This one is my favorite I wish I would have had the foresight and skill to make a video like this! click the link here to watch it. (but really watch it!!!!)
2. This is the story of Mitt and Ann Romney, yes she waited for him on his mission, I love the way she talks about him at the airport.
3. This one is not at the airport, but it's really sweet. Click here to watch it.
It's hard to believe that we are here. People have asked me if it has gone by slow or fast, honestly I am blown away that we are already here. It has been one of the hardest, and greatest experiences of my life. I am so blessed that Phill was willing to share his mission with me.
November 12, 2012
Viva Las Vegas!
Once upon a time there were two best
friends sitting in a car talking about how life had just gotten them down. They
needed a break from reality! They sat, they talked, and then one of them
blurted out, let's go to Vegas! The other, being the awesome best friend she is
instantly replied heck yes! So right there they planned to go in November...the
wait was treacherous full of terribly awful let downs, heart breaks, and
stress! But the day finally came and the two girls set out into a blizzard to
reach their Oasis!
Okay, truly though my friend Alisha
and I REALLY needed a break from the real world, so this weekend we went to
Vegas! We left Friday, came back on Sunday, but man did we pack those few short
hours with endless excitement! We had so much fun! It was our first time going
back when we were both actually old enough to do anything fun in
Vegas.......not that kind of fun. We did attempt to hit the slots but
they are a lot more complicated than they look in the movies. haha. I managed
somehow with hitting random buttons to win $6.62 off the dollar that I put
in...don't ask me how that happened, and poor Alisha got out with only $0.29 of
her $5 left. Real bummer.
[click on pictures to enlarge]
We got back to the Hotel at about
one in morning and we changed into our Pj' these need an explanation. Alisha
and I were VERY into the most recent Presidential election. So three weeks
before the election we ordered shirts from the Mitt Romney store to wear on Election
Day. For some reason they didn't come until 2 days after the election...and we
all know how the election went down. *grumble, grumble* BUT we still support
what Mitt was trying to do, so we wore our shirts in a Democrat state, and got
some awesome looks. haha. (you can't really see them that well, but they say
Vote with the republican Elephant as the "o")
The next day we had a long list of
things we wanted to do, we set out and didn't make the wisest choices in the
order in which we did things. We started out with New York, New York! The roller
coaster, it was 50 degrees, felt like 45ish with the wind, and the overcast
skies, then we decide to hop on a roller coaster without any coats. Brrrr! We
never recovered from that, we were beyond cold for the rest of the day, but as
always the roller coaster is a win.
After that we began our LONG walk to
the other end of the strip to the Mirage, we went to the Secret Garden where
they have Dolphins, Tigers, and Lions. Alisha and I are both bizarrely obsessed
with animals; it was a little pathetic how giddy we were looking at all of
them. Running from habitat to self-control.
[click on picture to enlarge]
All of the animals were outside,
when we finally were done; I can't even express how cold we were! We went into
the Mirage to thaw, inside we found the most delightful little cafe, and they
had just what we needed to warm us up:
Nothing does the body good like some
serious chocolate in cake form. Am I right? or am I right?
We walked across the street, and
froze once more as we headed to the Venetian to check more things off of our
list! When we got inside there was just waaay to much happening we got lost in
there for hours! It was absolutely beautiful! I love Italy, it's the only place
that I would need to cross of my bucket list to be completely satisfied, but I
didn't mind a simulated version either. It was absolutely gorgeous! It is set
up like Venice, with a canal running through it, the ceiling is painted like
the sky and there are gondolas that travel up and down the canal. It's really
impossible to really describe how gorgeous it is. Before we got into the really
beautiful part we were distracted by the giant Sugar Factory off to the
side...we love sugar. So naturally we spent a bucket load of time in there!
We browsed
the shops, and of course we HAD to ride in a gondola! We were hoping we could
get a man gondolier, because we assumed that would be less
probably would have been we had a girl. and on the way back there was a
"bridge of love" we were in the boat with another couple and she told
everyone in the boat to kiss....uh, no body moved. haha. We were NOT about to
go there. So the lady kept insisting and we kept politely saying we're just
friends. Then she said we'll see, when we get a couple drinks in you, we then
replied, "we don't drink" that caught everyone in the boat off
guard....but no one asked if we were Mormon, even when we said we were from
Utah.... dang!

There are few things I love more
than fancy hats, and this store was full of them! I wish so bad that I had been
born in a time when I could just wear these kinds of hats all the time. If only
I lived in England, and ya know was royalty. The greatest part of our epic day
came when we decided to go fishing for pearls at the Pearl Factory in the
Venetian. I have always wanted to do this, so I was extremely excited. First
what you do is pick out your oyster, they are in a bucket, the lady who was
helping us told us the key is to find one that is "harry and
ugly".... so we found the nastiest ones we could find, which wasn't hard,
those things are nasty! then using tongs you put it on a plate and hit it hard
three time with the wooden tongs, and then they ring a bell and yell,
"ALOHA" which according to the lady, is saying good-bye to the
oyster, and hello to the pearl. They pry open the shell, and dig around for the
pearl, everyone is different there is no way of knowing what you are going to
get. She opened Alisha's first, hers was silver! There is a 7/100 chance of
getting a silver pearl it was gorgeous! Then it was my turn! She opened mine
and come to find, it was one of the biggest she'd ever seen, we had won the
pearl jackpot! She takes them out with tweezers and places them on a cloth,
pours salt on them and rubs them clean, then using the tweezers she placed the
pearls in our hands, we are the first to ever touch was pretty much
awesome! After that she placed them on the settings we had chosen, we both got
rings, and then we had to wait 24 hours to wear them, talk about torture! But
we had so much fun doing it, I was so glad we did!
We finished our awesome day in the City with dinner at the
Rain forest Cafe, and then headed back to the Hotel, warmed up in the hot tub
and then crashed for the night. It was such a great last hurrah before Phill
gets home in 3 weeks! It was just the boost, and get a way we both needed. I am
so thankful for amazing friends in my life that I can escape life with!
October 28, 2012
Running, Racing, and Reeling
I have often said that I am a wanna-be runner, I start, and I think this time I am going the distance, this time I am going to run, and get the endurance to run for miles, and then I give up, or get distracted. A few months ago, way back in July-ish my Aunt Suzie told me she was running a half-marathon in October, she pressured my sister and I into it and against our better judgment we signed up. At first we followed our training schedule to the letter, and then a couple weeks in Kait fell on one of our runs, and hurt her knee, we took a little time off from training, but found out that even rest wasn't going to heal it, eventually she knew she couldn't run the race we were pretty bummed. I kept going, but then 15 credits of upper division classes, mixed with work, and planning my best friends wedding came into play and my time to train was seriously limited. I did my best and went for short runs when i could.
It got down to the weeks leading up to the race and the most common question I got was, "what's your longest run?" Uh... 6 miles. This answer was usually looked at as far from sufficient, but I remained positive and was realistic about the task in front of me. The week of the race came, and with life pushing and pulling me i got one, one mile run in.
Friday I was going down to Provo to meet my Aunt and sleep over for the night, I started to get a little nervous, wondering if I should back out. Then i thought why? I can do this, i have always wanted to run a half-marathon and injuries and total lack of time had taken that from me, but now i am signed up and i am doing this!
So 5:00 A.M. my alarm went off, I got dressed, put my Mockingjay pin on, braided my hair like Katniss, and laced up my running shoes. (oh did i not mention it was the Provo Halloween Half, and you are supposed to dress up) Suzie wore a cat hat and a tail, we headed out into the freezing dark morning to the meet up with the buses. Once we were one the bus, there was no turning back, we were let out at the Sundance resort, and then were made to walk up this steep hill in the dark, not cool. I kept thinking to myself, this is like the beginning of a horror movie! haha we don't know where they are taking us in the dark, maybe it was the dark, the cold, or my total lack of sleep that made me think that, but i won't pretend i wasn't nervous.
We got up to the holding tent at about 6:30, the race didn't start until 9, i still have no idea why they made us wait around for that long before the race but we did, it was so fun to see every one's costumes. Some people were crazy running in masks, with heavy props, wigs, makeup, some people really got into it was a fun atmosphere.
At 9:30 it was time for our wave, we lined up at the starting line, and they sent us off. The first half mile is a steep down hill, you are pretty much forced to run, and the decline is killer on the knees. Suz and I stayed together, down the frigged but beautiful Provo canyon for about the first four miles and then i headed out on my own pace. I was so focused on my run and my pace that i didn't dare to put my headphones in and ruin my groove. haha. I kept a solid pace slowly making my way past people here, getting passed by people there. I was so content, more relaxed then i ever have been on a run. The route took us right passed Bridal Veil Falls, I had never seen it before and it was gorgeous.
At mile seven i couldn't believe how good i felt, i kept running, not having stopped yet, at mile eight they, so sweetly, threw in an incline, so up the hill I went for a mile, and saw the pacers for the 3 hour 1/2 and I knew i was shooting for under three hours so i hurried past them and to widen the gap between me and 3 hours. At the top of the hill we had to turn back around and come back down it. I hadn't stopped yet, I kept telling myself positive things in the rhythm of my steps, and it wasn't until mile 10 that the pain started setting in.
At mile 10 i felt a blister forming on the pad of my left foot, that was a long mile. I hit eleven and people were cheering, "you only have 2 miles left!" so i thought why would i stop running now, two miles is nothing, but those last two miles were the longest of my life! The pain, the aches, the heat, the total lack of sleep, but i kept going, kept running, kept chanting positive mantras to myself.
My watch ended up being off by about .27of a mile, so when i thought i had hit mile 12, according to my watch i was pumped, then when i finally saw the mile 12 sign i thought i might break down, but i shook it off and hoped i could see the finish line soon! No such luck, it was tucked away, never to be seen! Half a mile left, there are these two cute old people with cow bells telling me i am almost there. haha i laughed, that's what those blasted 11 mile people told me! I saw the sign, 13, only .10 to go, I am going, and then I see the the finish line and the pacer stops and says go! And I don't know how I did it, but I sprinted as fast as I could to the end, got my medal, held onto anything I could find for support, and found somewhere to sit and stretch and call my parents.
I had done it, I had run the whole thing in under 2:30, with extremely minimal training, and it was a big old check off my bucket list, i am still on a high from it, my body on the other hand hates me right now, but it will get over it! I had so much fun, my Aunt Suz, came in just about 10 minutes after me.
It was such a good experience for me, the wanna-be runner to be able to do something I never really thought I could do, but have always wanted. Sweet victory.
It got down to the weeks leading up to the race and the most common question I got was, "what's your longest run?" Uh... 6 miles. This answer was usually looked at as far from sufficient, but I remained positive and was realistic about the task in front of me. The week of the race came, and with life pushing and pulling me i got one, one mile run in.
Friday I was going down to Provo to meet my Aunt and sleep over for the night, I started to get a little nervous, wondering if I should back out. Then i thought why? I can do this, i have always wanted to run a half-marathon and injuries and total lack of time had taken that from me, but now i am signed up and i am doing this!
So 5:00 A.M. my alarm went off, I got dressed, put my Mockingjay pin on, braided my hair like Katniss, and laced up my running shoes. (oh did i not mention it was the Provo Halloween Half, and you are supposed to dress up) Suzie wore a cat hat and a tail, we headed out into the freezing dark morning to the meet up with the buses. Once we were one the bus, there was no turning back, we were let out at the Sundance resort, and then were made to walk up this steep hill in the dark, not cool. I kept thinking to myself, this is like the beginning of a horror movie! haha we don't know where they are taking us in the dark, maybe it was the dark, the cold, or my total lack of sleep that made me think that, but i won't pretend i wasn't nervous.
We got up to the holding tent at about 6:30, the race didn't start until 9, i still have no idea why they made us wait around for that long before the race but we did, it was so fun to see every one's costumes. Some people were crazy running in masks, with heavy props, wigs, makeup, some people really got into it was a fun atmosphere.
At 9:30 it was time for our wave, we lined up at the starting line, and they sent us off. The first half mile is a steep down hill, you are pretty much forced to run, and the decline is killer on the knees. Suz and I stayed together, down the frigged but beautiful Provo canyon for about the first four miles and then i headed out on my own pace. I was so focused on my run and my pace that i didn't dare to put my headphones in and ruin my groove. haha. I kept a solid pace slowly making my way past people here, getting passed by people there. I was so content, more relaxed then i ever have been on a run. The route took us right passed Bridal Veil Falls, I had never seen it before and it was gorgeous.
At mile seven i couldn't believe how good i felt, i kept running, not having stopped yet, at mile eight they, so sweetly, threw in an incline, so up the hill I went for a mile, and saw the pacers for the 3 hour 1/2 and I knew i was shooting for under three hours so i hurried past them and to widen the gap between me and 3 hours. At the top of the hill we had to turn back around and come back down it. I hadn't stopped yet, I kept telling myself positive things in the rhythm of my steps, and it wasn't until mile 10 that the pain started setting in.
At mile 10 i felt a blister forming on the pad of my left foot, that was a long mile. I hit eleven and people were cheering, "you only have 2 miles left!" so i thought why would i stop running now, two miles is nothing, but those last two miles were the longest of my life! The pain, the aches, the heat, the total lack of sleep, but i kept going, kept running, kept chanting positive mantras to myself.
My watch ended up being off by about .27of a mile, so when i thought i had hit mile 12, according to my watch i was pumped, then when i finally saw the mile 12 sign i thought i might break down, but i shook it off and hoped i could see the finish line soon! No such luck, it was tucked away, never to be seen! Half a mile left, there are these two cute old people with cow bells telling me i am almost there. haha i laughed, that's what those blasted 11 mile people told me! I saw the sign, 13, only .10 to go, I am going, and then I see the the finish line and the pacer stops and says go! And I don't know how I did it, but I sprinted as fast as I could to the end, got my medal, held onto anything I could find for support, and found somewhere to sit and stretch and call my parents.
I had done it, I had run the whole thing in under 2:30, with extremely minimal training, and it was a big old check off my bucket list, i am still on a high from it, my body on the other hand hates me right now, but it will get over it! I had so much fun, my Aunt Suz, came in just about 10 minutes after me.
It was such a good experience for me, the wanna-be runner to be able to do something I never really thought I could do, but have always wanted. Sweet victory.
October 13, 2012
Wedding Weekend
Shanda and I have been friends since junior high, but we didn't become best friends until we started going to mission prep together a couple of years ago. She was waiting for Kenton, and I for Phill. We became pretty much inseparable, and did all kinds of crazy things together from hikes, to mud runs, to talking pretty much non-stop about the men in our lives, we helped each other through some of our toughest trials. It was my greatest pleasure, delight, joy, all other positive adjectives to see her marry Kenton this weekend! She is amazing, and she deserves the best, I am so blessed to have her has a friend.
Shanda and Kenton were sealed on a beautifully rainy day, October 12th, in the Salt Lake City Temple. Before the sealing, there was a luncheon at Christopher's Prime Steakhouse, it was delicious! Alisha and Michelle fell in love with one of the waiters, Nick, so we purposefully drank unhealthy amounts of lemonade to get him to come back to our table, it was hilarious.
While everyone was the the temple we watched three of Shanda's nieces, they were so cute! The rain miraculously stopped when they came out of the temple. Shanda was glowing in her beautiful white dress, and Kenton looked the happiest I have ever seen him. (In the five months that I have actually known him!)
Best friends...She knows she loves us.
Today they had their reception at Lomond View Gardens, it was beautiful! It didn't rain on us, we only froze a little...okay a lot. It was cold, but we had an amazing time celebrating Shanda and Kenton!
It's crazy what time can do, I'm going to miss our crazy single girl adventures, but I have a feeling there are a lot of other fun adventures heading our way!
Congratulations to an incredible couple!
September 30, 2012
September is Over???
Where did September go?!? Where did I go? I fell off the blog-o-sphere apparently, sorry non-existent followers, you must have been so devastated. No? September was an amazing month full of unbelievable stress, and to equal the stress came a lot of blessings. Happy moments, I know I say this a lot, I think it's because I need constant reminding, but there is ALWAYS a positive to be found. I have been struggling a lot lately, I think I have exhaled harshly out of pure frustration at least 10,000 times in the last week. Even writing this post I find myself breathing deeply and trying to focus on all that has gone right this month as opposed to all that has gone wrong.
My only other post for this month was all about the beauty of September in Utah, well this post probably won't be much different! In the last few weeks I have been able to do some pretty amazing things! Annnd, I have pictures, everyone knows that makes posts much more enjoyable!
The first of many happies this month was the birth of Mary Olivia Brandley, she is the daughter of Becca and Louis, Phill's older brother and sister-in-law. She came into the world on September 22, on the first day of fall! I was so blessed to be able to be in Logan already for my cousin Lauren's wedding, I was able to go see Mary the day she was born. She is beautiful, I am, one of those crazy girls who "Ooo's" and "Awe's" at babies, what can I say? I was in awe at the beautiful spirit that Mary had, it was such a gift to be with Becca and Louis to watch their love for her. I fully intend on being her real Aunt one day, but I already claim her, and her big sister Avery as mine!
On Friday, my friend Shanda and I took a hike up beautiful Logan Canyon, to the Wind Caves! This was a new hike for both of us, and I wish I would have known how narrow the trail was, because I wouldn't have taken Indy. She kept falling of the trail, ha. It sounds hilarious when I say it now, but it was intense! But the end result was awesome, mixed in with the Autumn leaves it was a beautiful day for a hike!
Beautiful view out of the back of the Cave! For a person terrified, and I mean pathetically terrified of heights the back of the cave is where it was at for me I didn't venture very far in. haha. It is what it is!
such an amazing year for leaves! Last year we got totally screwed, there was no fall, it went from summer to winter. Lame. So i am so thankful that this year we have the real deal!
This is me as promised, standing cowardly at the back of the cave... i just know if i would have stepped one foot closer to the edge i was gonna fall off. It's totally rational don't worry about it.
My only other post for this month was all about the beauty of September in Utah, well this post probably won't be much different! In the last few weeks I have been able to do some pretty amazing things! Annnd, I have pictures, everyone knows that makes posts much more enjoyable!
The first of many happies this month was the birth of Mary Olivia Brandley, she is the daughter of Becca and Louis, Phill's older brother and sister-in-law. She came into the world on September 22, on the first day of fall! I was so blessed to be able to be in Logan already for my cousin Lauren's wedding, I was able to go see Mary the day she was born. She is beautiful, I am, one of those crazy girls who "Ooo's" and "Awe's" at babies, what can I say? I was in awe at the beautiful spirit that Mary had, it was such a gift to be with Becca and Louis to watch their love for her. I fully intend on being her real Aunt one day, but I already claim her, and her big sister Avery as mine!
On Friday, my friend Shanda and I took a hike up beautiful Logan Canyon, to the Wind Caves! This was a new hike for both of us, and I wish I would have known how narrow the trail was, because I wouldn't have taken Indy. She kept falling of the trail, ha. It sounds hilarious when I say it now, but it was intense! But the end result was awesome, mixed in with the Autumn leaves it was a beautiful day for a hike!

such an amazing year for leaves! Last year we got totally screwed, there was no fall, it went from summer to winter. Lame. So i am so thankful that this year we have the real deal!

This is me as promised, standing cowardly at the back of the cave... i just know if i would have stepped one foot closer to the edge i was gonna fall off. It's totally rational don't worry about it.
Shanda is much more brave than i am, she had the brilliant idea to walk across the arch and take a picture. So walk she did, all calm and cool and awesome. Observe:
And then there is me... oh yes i most certainly did crawl, and only made it half way. haha. Such a pansy. Shanda thought it was hilarious i crawled, ergo the photo of my humiliating assent. BUT I did do *self high-five!*
The last day of September entailed on of my all time favorite traditions. Chili Dinner in Ogden Canyon. We have been doing it for 20+ years, we honestly don't know how long it's been going on, but we do it without fail and i love it! (these photos are not so great, i forgot my real camera. fail.)
Indy and dad got all tangled up! |
I love my family! Hope you all had an amazing September too!
Happy October!
September 10, 2012
September Bonus
I have been a bit of a blogging failure lately, but life has handed me a bucket or two of lemons over the past couple of months, and I'll be honest i got a little tired of making lemonade...But, September is my all time favorite month! It always has been, and i honestly don't know why, because there are no major events that make September particularly special. Lately though, I've been dealt a few sweet cards, that have brought me so much peace. If you know me, you'll know i am passionate about nature. I am always looking at the mountain, or sky. Since September started it's been a nature stalker's gold mine;) Observe:
Pretty Amazing right!?! I love Utah, i love it even more so in the Fall! September has been pretty sweet so far, the perks didn't stop at the scenery!
On Saturday my Aunt Natalie was puppy sitting seven 3 week old Schnauzer puppies, so we went to visit. Aren't they adorable! let's be honest puppies are just the greatest! who can be upset when you're surrounded by a bunch of puppies! Later that Saturday i was able to go up to Pickleville playhouse with some of Phill's siblings and see the Hanging of Juanito Bandito. Not going to lie it was the funniest thing i have ever seen. (sorry no pictures.)
Sunday we were visited by 3 of my favorite crazies:
These cuties are getting so big! I can't believe Ethan is getting baptized in a couple of weeks, Derrick is in first grade, and Lia is starting pre-school! They definitely have a way of making my day!
Phill only has 3 months left, I've heard the last three months are the hardest, and so far no one has lied to's been crazy hard, but we're getting there. So chin up!
Final perk that has been a part of September is i changed my hair for fall! As vain or superficial as it may sound, i LOVE getting my hair done. haha. it's a little ridiculous. I went darker for fall, and it's a welcome change:)
On Saturday my Aunt Natalie was puppy sitting seven 3 week old Schnauzer puppies, so we went to visit. Aren't they adorable! let's be honest puppies are just the greatest! who can be upset when you're surrounded by a bunch of puppies! Later that Saturday i was able to go up to Pickleville playhouse with some of Phill's siblings and see the Hanging of Juanito Bandito. Not going to lie it was the funniest thing i have ever seen. (sorry no pictures.)
Sunday we were visited by 3 of my favorite crazies:
These cuties are getting so big! I can't believe Ethan is getting baptized in a couple of weeks, Derrick is in first grade, and Lia is starting pre-school! They definitely have a way of making my day!
Phill only has 3 months left, I've heard the last three months are the hardest, and so far no one has lied to's been crazy hard, but we're getting there. So chin up!
Final perk that has been a part of September is i changed my hair for fall! As vain or superficial as it may sound, i LOVE getting my hair done. haha. it's a little ridiculous. I went darker for fall, and it's a welcome change:)
There you have it, 2 weeks of my crazy beautiful life!
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